Monday, June 29, 2015

A Real Survivor

They bruised his feet with fetters and placed his neck in an iron collar. Until the time came to fulfill his dreams, the Lord tested Joseph’s character (Psalm 105: 19 NLT emphasis added).

Joseph was highly esteemed and loved by his parents. As his father’s favorite, he was considered a child of promise, which seemed to be confirmed by dreams and visions.  While Joseph lived a life of comfort, his brothers were relegated to working in the harsh conditions of the field.

One day, one decision, one betrayal changed Joseph’s life forever. In one moment the child of promise was nothing more than a slave.  Everything was ripped away from him, his home, family and security. He saw evil face to face as the sting of his brothers’ betrayal came into full view.

Days turned to weeks, weeks into months, months into years and still there was no reprieve. All of the visions of his childhood seemed like a forgotten memory. Yet, in spite of every curve ball thrown his way, Joseph persevered. Instead of falling apart, he tried to make the best of the situations in front of him. Through the valley of broken dreams, his character proved to be stronger than the evil that surrounded him.

Joseph is the ultimate example of a survivor. By using his God given talents those around him were able to look past his title and see his ability. As a slave, he was promoted. As a prisoner, he was promoted. Wherever he went he made something out of nothing.

He was labeled a slave, falsely accused as a rapist, and imprisoned as a criminal. Although society placed these labels on him, Joseph did not accept them for himself. He continued to honor God with his life and worked in excellence.  What Joseph didn’t know was that through the unfairness of it all  God was testing and molding his character.

Like the verse above states, there is an appointed time for everything. Joseph had big dreams. In the midst of his suffering, these dreams seemed impossible. Although Joseph was overlooked and abandoned by everyone in his life, God never forgot him. When the appointed time came, in an instant, God changed the trajectory of Joseph’s life. He went from slave/criminal to a world leader as second in command in the strongest nation of the world.

Through adversity and injustice He was faithful. Those seventeen years of adversity were Joseph’s training ground. His heart was humbled and molded in such a way that he could be effective in a place of authority but still be empathetic to the needs of the people.

Joseph lived a long successful life. The memory of his suffering and injustice became a chapter, not the defining moment in the story of his life. The adversity he overcame turned out to be a stepping-stone into his future.  

Friday, June 26, 2015

Cheated Out of Love?

I love poetry. The depth of expression touches my soul.  Last night I met some amazing people at a poetry reading, people from all walks of life, differing ages and personalities. I was most touched by Ray. An elderly gentleman who is best described as a renaissance man.

I had a great time listening to all the poetic expressions from “on the fly” to careful construction.  Close to the end of the evening Ray decided to quote a poem near and dear to his heart. He dedicated it to his wife who passed away 26 years ago. From the moment he began speaking I was overwhelmed with emotion. All I could do was lower my head as the tears streamed down.

I was surprised at this surge of emotion. I’m finally starting to feel like myself again. The excruciating pain of my past life seems foreign, as I am so far removed from it. I’ve been trying to process the reason I was so affected.

From the moment I met Ray, I was drawn to his magnetism. He is so effervescent; one could not help but fall in love with his personality. As he spoke about the great love of his life, my heart broke. I immediately drew inward.

I felt the great love Ray carried for his wife. He vowed she was his one and only sweetheart and no other could take her place.  Every woman wants to be cherished that way. As I thought about it I realized the tears came from disappointment. I was cheated out of a love like that. I knew it even while I was married.

Healing is progressive. With God’s help I have made many strides forward, but as last night demonstrated other areas of my heart still need mending.

I carry the hope that one day I too will have a beautiful love story. I want to pass that legacy unto my own children.  For them to see the beauty in marriage and  that true love does last a lifetime.

Until then, I will wait on the Lord. I don’t want to cheat myself out of the opportunity to experience this union.  I will patiently wait for the one God has for me… the one who will grow old with me and be my dance partner for life.