Monday, May 25, 2015

Forever Love

For the True Love of My Life

I give my life to you, O Forever Love
For you have shown me the purest of love.
As You take my hand, security comes through.
When others reject me because I’m unlovely,
I look in Your eyes and see a reflection of beauty.
As You lift me up in Your embrace, a smile shines on my face
As we dance the night away, joy fills this once empty place.
O Forever Love may it always be like this,
As I bask in Your exquisite light for all eternity.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Bob and Tracy

I recently had the opportunity to work with Bob and Tracy (fictitious names to preserve privacy) who have been married for over 7 years and have 2 children, ages 6 and 2. The union was severed because of Bob’s ongoing extramarital affairs, which resulted in the pregnancy of his current mistress.

This couple has only been separated for a couple of months and the news of the pregnancy was shocking to Tracy. Emotionally and financially devastated, Tracy was now forced to move into her mother’s home and share a bedroom with her two sons.

Although Bob made decisions that caused catastrophic impacts on Tracy’s life and their 2 sons, I didn’t notice any hint of resentment or anger in Tracy’s interactions with him. Throughout our time together Tracy and Bob were at peace with each other. This surprised me, especially this soon after a betrayal.

I commented on their interactions and asked Tracy where her source of strength derived. She was adamant her strength came from a relationship with Jesus. That it was because of Him she has been able to genuinely forgive Bob and desire the best for his life. When she forgave she was able to release Bob and no longer let his betrayal impact her future.

Tracy found what many of us are still seeking. In the arms of Jesus she found comfort for her broken heart and a hope for her future. God gave Tracy the grace to forgive Bob. As a result, Tracy was finally able to move on with her life.

Everyday she is taking steps forward toward a better future. Her relationship with Jesus has given her peace and helped her overcome the depression she encountered as the life she knew was destroyed. Only Christ can bring wholeness and healing out of a desperate situation. Because Tracy submitted her life to God, He built a supernatural strength in her that is helping her overcome. The road has been hard, but God’s perfect love is seeing her through.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Search

Little girl searching
Body of a woman wasting
Tears shed as she is discarded once more
Broken hearted with her face to the floor
Am I not worthy of love?
All the while her Maker weeps as she gives herself away
Longing to heal the brokenness from the lack of embrace
Arms wide open, there He stands
With a precious rose in His hands
You are beautiful my child, so dear to Me
Come let Me show you what you were created to be
I have made you precious with a beauty so rare
Not so that others can dampen your flair
You are my daughter, a sight to behold
A precious gem shimmering with gold
My love for you is greater than you see
And your worth is found only in Me
I value you deeply and long for your love
Take My hand and I'll lavish you with joy from above
In Me you are new
Trust, I'll show you what to do
It’s a new journey, one step at a time
Where you will find peace of mind
Come as you are all tattered and bruised
Come to me and I will make you anew
The reflection you see is not what I planned
I will give you a new heart, your future is in My hands
The acceptance and love you’ve searched all along
Is here in My arms, right where you belong
Come and receive the goodness in store
For you are not alone anymore

- Cary Sanchez