Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Perpetual Search For Our Comfort Zone

“I’m so uncomfortable, why won’t these people cooperate with me and make my life a little easier.”

My priority is and mine, making sure my children are taken care of and my home runs smoothly. I have enough on my plate and don’t have the time to be inconvenienced by someone else’s problems.

Sound familiar? I know it does to me.

Self-sacrifice and hospitality are an ancient art. Instead of opening our homes and taking the time to listen to others, we are looking at our watches or the screens of our phones. We accomplish so much, yet have nothing to show for it.

We multi-task our family, friends, and lives, for what?

To have a little more time to squeeze in one more thing, to accomplish one more task, and perhaps to take some time for ourselves, as we search for our comfort zone.

Is that all there really is- a perpetual search for our comfort zone?

No one grows in their comfort zone. Although cozy, the lack of challenge causes us to stagnate. Yet whenever we are taken out of our comfort zone we become irritated and frustrated. Assuming that when we face discomfort or inconvenience we have either misread God’s will or have made a mistake.

I was recently reading the story of our Lord’s birth. The road Joseph and Mary took to Jerusalem was a bumpy one. There were no conveniences afforded to them. They carried the greatest treasure in all humanity and still were reduced to homelessness and birth in a dirty stable.

When we do God’s will we are not guaranteed comfort or convenience. Most growth occurs in times of transition when our world is upside down, when we are stretched beyond our capacity.

The Christian life is not for weak or faint of heart. It is for those who are brave enough to live life out of the comfort zone. Those who are willing to tread where others fear and do the seemingly impossible, knowing we serve a God who can do far beyond our wildest dreams.

Let us boldly jump into the uncomfortable, take risks, and dare to dream.